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The bright side of tax, finance and accounting

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Start-up founders are faced with enormous and diverse requirements.


In addition to the technical implementation of your business idea, it is usually necessary to secure the financing of the investments and the low turnover start-up phase. To enable you and your investors to assess the viability of your project as accurately as possible, a business plan is recommended or required.


In creating your business plan, it is important to lay the right foundations regarding the optimal company name, insurance, suitable company software, record-keeping or VAT.


We are happy to assist you with these important topics during the start-up phase and offer young start-up entrepreneurs a special start-up tariff!


Treuhand Business


Treuhand Privatpersonen


Interim Management



von datafin consulting




Anfragen & Terminvereinbarung


datafin consulting
Elke Schroth
Rössligasse 30
4125 Riehen
