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The bright side of tax, finance and accounting

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Elke Schroth

Master of Business Administration | MAS Corporate Finance


After many years in responsible management positions in finance and accounting for internationally operating companies, I realized the step into self-employment in 2013.


The main motivation at that time was the desire for more personal responsibility, a desire for new things and more time flexibility.


Today, I also appreciate the direct contact with many interesting people, the creative freedom and the insight into a wide range of industries.


I can fully use the extensive know-how I have acquired in the areas of accounting, controlling, taxes and business organization, and to this day I can say: it's simply fun.


Carpe diem!




Elke Schroth


Treuhand Business


Treuhand Privatpersonen


Interim Management



von datafin consulting




Anfragen & Terminvereinbarung


datafin consulting
Elke Schroth
Rössligasse 30
4125 Riehen
