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The bright side of tax, finance and accounting

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Tax Consultancy

...because you have nothing to give away...


Many cases can lead to a change in your tax obligations and require that you seek advice. For example:


  • Purchase/sale of property
  • Relocation to/from Switzerland resp. abroad
  • Marriage/divorce
  • Inheritance
  • Setting up your own business


Alongside these special cases, we discover again and again in practice that the tax possibilities of our new clients had not been fully exploited previously.


It might be the case that the condominium owner failed to declare the payments to the renovation fund as maintenance costs. Or payments to disabled and vulnerable persons have not been considered in the tax return. Or a possible and tax saving purchase of additional pension benefits was not taken into consideration.


The possibilities for tax savings are wide-ranging. A professional consultation is the basis of your optimal tax situation.


We will be happy to help you with this and look forward to hearing from you.


Treuhand Business


Treuhand Privatpersonen


Interim Management



von datafin consulting




Anfragen & Terminvereinbarung


datafin consulting
Elke Schroth
Rössligasse 30
4125 Riehen
